Undergraduate Researcher, Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), Shenzhen, China / Sep. 2022 – Jun. 2024
Game AI Lab, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Supervisors: Prof. Jialin Liu and Prof. Xin Yao.
- Developed a mathematical model for police car pursuit of criminal cars based on stochastic games.
- Built an interactive MARL environment to simulate police car chasing scenarios.
- Optimized the A* search algorithm to control the movement of criminal cars.
- Implemented and trained agents by using Multi-Agent DDPG, IQL, VDN, QMIX algorithms in PyTorch.
- Statistically validated and compared the performance of the implemented algorithms.
Intern, Front-end Development, Shenzhen, China / Sep. 2023 – Mar. 2024
Shenzhen Mushroom Wealth Technology Co., Ltd.
- Contributed to the development of the iService module for a SCRM system using the Vue.js framework.
- Responsible for developing the information center module, ensuring smooth and efficient user interactions.
- Performed functional testing, componentization, code review, and bug fixes to optimize module performance.
Intern, Deep Learning Group, Beijing, China / Jan. 2021 – Feb. 2021
Beijing CELinkout Information Technology Co., Ltd.
- Labeled and preprocessed satellite imagery data for training computer vision models.
- Trained a 10-class classification model using PyTorch to process satellite imagery data.
- Applied YOLOv5 for defect identification on the NEU-DET dataset and ship detection in satellite images.